Saturday 8 February 2014

Understand me well

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Assalamualaikum, :)

You down, I double down. You sad, I double sad. You jump, I jump. 
Eh bukan bukan. I dont want to jump =P

Ain susah nak puaskan hati orang
and bukan senang la jugak kan, nak puaskan hati orang ni..
banyak lagi benda nak dibuat selain nak puaskan hati orang ramai, kan?

If you're in my shoes, you will know. How hard it is to be me.
Just like you said, I am the popular ones.
nak kena melayan semua orang
But still, you don't understand me well....

Bukan semua orang suka perangai kita, bukan semua orang suka perangai ain, kan..
I don't want them to be the reason that I am falling. I don't want to show that I am weak..
The more the hater you get, the more you know that you are the person they wanted to be. 
they are just jelous... ignored them.
setiap kali kalau ada orang benci ain, ayat dekat atas ni laa yang akan sentiasa ain ingat 
keep smile bebeh :)

I am living my life. Eventhough my life is like hell...!
i accept the things that happened to me. 
i accept people who treated me bad
i accept the bad things
i too accept the good things.
coz i know my life had been well-planned by the God.
i don't like to complain and i hate complains.

I, thanked to you, Allah for giving me the opportunity to live life. 
God bless me, God bless uolls too :')